Recruitment Notice - Foreign Credential Assessment

Alberta College of
Social Workers


Manitoba Institute of
Registered Social Workers

Social Workers


Saskatchewan Association
of Social Workers

Foreign Credential Assessment and Social Work in Canada
Recruitment Notice

In order to gain a better understanding of the lived experience of foreign-educated human services workers as well as the barriers faced by them, we are going to conduct some interviews with foreign-trained human services workers in Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan from May to July 2011.

We are trying to identify people who completed post-secondary education in other countries with the intention of becoming a social worker and who would like to share their experiences or suggestions with regard to foreign credential assessment. This may include programs such as social work, community development, social administration, child and youth care, social pedagogy, and others that share at least some common content with a social work education.

The goal of this research project is to gather information directly from immigrants on your experience of trying to obtain recognition as a social worker in Canada. This data will help us to identify barriers faced both by those who do eventually get registered and those who do not. Once the barriers have been identified we can begin to look at mechanisms to reduce or remove them, or to help people understand what they need to do to overcome them.

One of the members of our research team will conduct an in-depth interview with you to learn from your valuable experiences and recommendations. Hearing the story of your experience will also help us to develop a standardized credential assessment process that may be used by all social work regulatory agencies across Canada.

For any enquiry about the interview in Manitoba, please contact:
Laura Cogollo, Research Assistant. Manitoba Institute of Registered Social Workers
101 – 2033 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3J 0K6
Ph 204 888- 9477 Fax 204 831 6359,

For any enquiry about this project, please contact:
Cindy Jing Fang, Project Coordinator/Researcher or Alison MacDonald, Associate Registrar (Alberta College of Social Workers, #550 10707 100 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 3M1; 780-421-1167; 1-800-661-3089;,

We also hope that you could introduce this project to someone you know so that those who are interested to take part can contact us to participate.