Friday, 17 June 2011

Woman to Woman

I came to know Iyanla Vanzant's from my teenage daughters. They were all hooked on this woman's words. It's as if she had discovered a secret language of teenagers and was connecting to them in a dynamic way. Her words were simple and integral. She was an easy read. I knew she was on Oprah and then she was not. I never knew what went down but she appeared on one of  Oprah's farewell shows for a show down but it was a interview of revelations, mis-communication, misunderstandings and then the sky cleared  and the sun shone. This is a very imporant and eye opening interview for women. 
I invite you to read her story - how a woman had it all but because she did not know how to think about money lost it all. It is interesting that she said although she made millions, she could not shake her "welfare-mentality" thinking she had to spend all before she would get more. She lived from paycheck to paycheck and  when unemployment happened her tower came tumbling down. She was the woman who gave other women strength and advice on how to mend their lives but she could not mend her own.  This is the danger of advice giving instead of giving advice to each other how about if we share and learn from each other. We are all responsible for ourselves and we all are experts in our own lives, we know what to do but pretend not to so that others can take the blame for our misfortune. She talks about the loss of her daughter to cancer and her "broccoli breakdown in the grocery store. Very compelling story, she is a woman who has earned the right to speak her experience, she has something to share that most of us can relate to

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