confident beautiful women
Immigrant women continue to face discrimination in all areas of living in most western countries. Many are still uncomfortable with Blackness and can't seem to get over the virus of their minds that tells them Black is something ugly.
In a recent Internet article that has gone viral, a model agency allegedly said absolutely no black models. Why? Do they know what this does to a little black girl whose only wish is to be a model? Do they care? I doubt it.
When would black and other dark skinned women be vindicated of this blight put upon them by European men in particular? How can these women protect themselves against these hateful messages, be strong and go after their dreams?
One of the ways is digging deep within oneself, hold their focus on their dreams and let God, the Universal spirit or whatever you choose to call the force that pervades everything on this planet, do the rest.
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Take this seriously sisters. Do not give your consent to another person's inferior judgement of you. You are God's creation and you are perfect the way you are just perfect.
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