Tuesday, 7 May 2013

When mothers do their job poorly there are consequences for our children. If you are a mother who did not know better and now you do, reach out to your estranged child and say you are sorry and really mean it.  If you are a child who was rejected and abused by your parents especially your mother, forgive her and accept the fact that what happened happened and according to Dr. Wayne Dyer, take responsibility for what happened and tell yourself that you did not know better or you would have done better. He said it is the only way to move forward in your life. This may sound terrible and people might say it was not my fault.  What is the point of saying it is someone else's fault, does that make you feel better. If you take responsibility for what happened then you can take responsibility for getting over the hurt because the power is within you. If you blame others for your misfortune you will wait for them to do something about what they did for you to feel better. That may never come and you will remain stuck.
"Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it"   Mark Twain

This story is informative and has a lesson for all of us. read it.


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