Tuesday, 7 May 2013

You are a divine spark

You are here and you were born of love and for love. Love is the greatest gift we have and when we embrace that divine love, life flows effortlessly and easily.

Happiness is living your truth. When you live a lie there is uneasiness. When you live in truth there is freedom and lightness.

Let your light shine. Open your heart, dispel judgements. Every time you judge someone look within yourself and see what it is that you are unhappy about, what is it about you that you are projecting on others.    Judgement is never about the other, it is about you.  It's all you.

You are a spark of the divine and it is up to you to show that to the world and not allow anyone to diminish it.  Stay away from those who encourage you to throw a blanket over your light or attempt to blow out your spark with negative emotions.  Seek the company of those who will fan the flames to let you shine brighter.

Have a terrific day and know you are loved, you are deeply loved and highly favoured today.

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