Thursday, 16 June 2011

Success is a subjective definition

There are many formulas for success in any given field, in any given country but the final analysis is what success means to you.
Many of us define success by how others define success and we try to live up to those standards which promote success as getting a well paying job, buying a big car and a big house in the suburbs and cruise along.  That may be success for some but what does success mean  for you?
Success can mean getting a job where you are valued, completing grade 12, being able to speak fluent English and French, getting your children into a good school or just finding a job to get off income assistance.  Success can mean being able to buy a car to take your children to beach on hot summer days or having time to volunteer with people less fortunate than you are.
Define your own success, reach for your own goals and live your dream without regard for how others perceive you. Other people's perception of you is just that - a perception, an idea that is neither right nor wrong.
As a new comer immigrant may I suggest that you do the following for yourself
:Prioritize your life according to what is important for you:
Finding a place to live
Learning the language (if English or French is not your first language)
Get a working understanding of the culture
Ensuring the safety and well-being of your children
Go to school or find a job (sometimes you have to take what is offered until you can choose what you want), and so on.
Below is an article that talks about the success that some immigrant women have achieved and how they made it that far. You might learn something from their experience. Take what you need from it but always measure that  against your own values and priorities.

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