Tuesday, 14 June 2011

It's not what you know it's who you know

"Whatever you focus your attention on is what grows and manifests into your life."
Dr. Wayne Dyer

We've always heard the adage, it's not what you know but who you know.  This is not only true in Canada but it's true in many parts of the world including the countries we migrated from. The name for networking in the old countries is nepotism.
If you want to find a job, and find a job rather quickly, you have get out of your comfort zone  and make acquaintance with those who are in positions to help you or at least know someone who can help.
   Your qualifications and lofty credentials are not enough. You need to network, connect and infiltrate groups.
    You can do that by taking out memberships in certain organizations, volunteer in key organizations which align with your interests, find someone who can mentor you informally and stick with the plan.  I've seen it work with others. It can work for you. Start spending time with people outside of your cultural group and expand your circle of friends.  When people get to know you as a friend or as a colleagues, you become less fearful to them and in time they will embrace you and go battle for you in board rooms and places where critical decisions are made.

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