Saturday, 5 May 2012

Empower yourself

How to Transcend Feeling Lost in your Life
Written by Jafree Ozwald
"Care about each and every thing; Don't make a distinction between the great and the small. Cleaning the floor, do it with deep care, as if it is the body of the beloved. Each indifferent act becomes a slow suicide, a slow death. Be overflowing, don't be a miser." ~Osho
Life is so short. Only 70-80 years for most of us and this life is gone. Have you ever wondered, "what's the point of it all?" At some point in this infinite journey around the Sun, each and every one of us will experience a deep sensation of being completely lost. Yes, this is inevitable. We must all go through the experience of not having a clue which is the best direction for us to be going. Whether it be your job, relationship, health, family or spiritual path, you are guaranteed to experience a time before you die where you will not have any confidence or certainty in where you're going or what you're doing.

When this occurs for you remember my invitation, it is quite simple. When the sensations of confusion and trepidation flood the brain and make you believe everything is not as it should be, do not resist them. Simply treat each one as a doorway to the Divine. Give yourself permission to greet the "lost experience" intimately, as if God was standing on your front porch in the middle of Summer waiting for you with a tall glass of lemonade. Meet the experience fully and drink it in deeply. Bend over and kiss the ground it walks on and do not try to change it in any way.

It's good to know that the Universe will continuously keep providing you with the experience of feeling lost so that one day you truly give up searching "out there", and uncover this beloved warm fuzzy home within yourself. All those moments of indecision and fear are meant to force the mind to stop moving forward, searching backward, and suddenly cause everything to come to a complete stop. This full stop is the vehicle we all need to transcend the mind and find the spiritual path inside. This is one of life's wondrous gifts to help us discover what meditation really is. Without the experience of confusion we would all be very very lost and confused.

Be cautious of the mind for whenever your mind doesn't know what you should be doing with your life, it might start making you believe that something is wrong with you. It may start to judge and condemn you, saying there must be a deep personal issue you need to investigate with a counselor. The ego starts to become afraid that all its great efforting was for nothing. It doesn't want you to do nothing, for you will soon find out that you already have all the answers within you! The ego-mind doesn't want to give up being in charge of life, it would rather sacrifice your self esteem than surrender. Only in deep surrender is there stillness, and the path to opening the heart to total freedom. It is by going through the fire that we purify and are reborn.

The best path is to use your disbelief and doubt as a doorway to the reveal a deeper truth of who you really are. Doubt is always our initial guide to finding freedom because it has no objective, agenda or fixed opinion. It is always wavering, thinking it could be this or that, which forces you to drop deeper into the heart. When you surrender to it all and drop deep inside you'll see that trust was always here, inside your heart, as your real guru and guide. If you can quiet your mind for one minute you can hear what its saying to you. Listening to the heart is easy when you put the world on the back burner. It just happens on its own when you relinquish all attachment to the end result and give in to the simplicity of being purely here in the now. Most of us however are so trained and goal orientated that we cannot hear the longing of the heart, and often reject any wobbling experience that may make us feel derailed from our normal path. It is such a good thing that there are so many distractions in life, otherwise we would be like automatized robots and never discover what the real spiritual journey is about.

Life is such a deep juicy adventure, so do not be afraid of it! Know that each moment is the sacred source revealing itself to you. Just be deeply honest and stop hiding your light from the world. Whatever it is that youreally really really want in life can be yours. The secret is to know how to change your vibration and attitude so that you can receive it. You must dive beneath the surface, into your innermost being and discover the power that you truly have. Once you bring a halt to the mind chatter you'll find out what really makes your heart go pitter-pat, and experience every moment of life is taking on the most amazing rich flavor you have ever tasted. Enjoy!

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