Take this message to heart my friends
"I was never given any advice. I had to figure it out for myself," she said, looking me right in the eyes. "But my best advice is to let your passion lead your purpose. There is a seed of desire inside of every person, and if you get still enough, you can feel it. You can't feel it if you allow your mother, friends, school or everybody else to tell you who it is you're supposed to be. But there is a seed of heart's desire that burns in every person, and your real job on earth is to figure out what that thing feels like and then spend the rest of your life following it. That thing has led me all the way here, to this stage, to this day and 8,500 people lined up. That's the real reason I'm here: I've allowed myself to listen to that thing. And everybody has it. So my best advice is to follow that." Oprah Winfrey
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